Results for 'Teresina Rowell Havens'

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    Mrs. Rhys davids' dialogue with psychology (1893-1924).Teresina Rowell Havens - 1964 - Philosophy East and West 14 (1):51-58.
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    Response.Cynthia Haven - 2018 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 58:21-24.
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  3. How institutions matter "in time" : the temporal structures of practices and their effects on practice reproduction.Chris Rowell, Robin Gustafsson & Marco Clemente - 2016 - In Joel Gehman, Michael Lounsbury & Royston Greenwood (eds.), How institutions matter! United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
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  4. The politics of cultural appropriation.John Rowell - 1995 - Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (1):137-142.
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    The Size-Factor in Art.E. M. Rowell - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):320 - 326.
    In a paper on “Beauty and Greatness in Art” discussed at a recent meeting of the Aristotelian Society, Professor Alexander says: “In Art there are two standards; there is the strictly æsthetic standard, Is the work beautiful or not; has it attained beauty? and there is the question, Is it great or small?… This contrast of beauty and greatness is the old contrast of form and subject-matter.” Here is offered a problem of capital importance and of age-long interest, but alongside (...)
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    IV. A Leader in Enlightening Japan.Thomas R. H. Havens - 1970 - In Nishi Amane and modern Japanese thought. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press. pp. 77-113.
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    The Olivieri debacle: where were the heroes of bioethics? A Reply.M. Rowell - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):50-50.
    In her reply to Baylis the author takes the opportunity to “clarify, and in some cases to correct, some facts”I am pleased to see Dr Baylis’s article relating to the Olivieri case at the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto. I thank her for the many facets of that case that she has articulated. Nonetheless, as the bioethicist most closely connected with the case at the clinical level I would like to take this opportunity to clarify, and (...)
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    Memory: A Cloud of Witness.E. M. Rowell - 1944 - Philosophy 19 (73):130 - 135.
    The experience of each one of us is individual, private and particular, and in its immediacy is incommunicable. Images of all sorts, sense factors, figments of the imagination, mental comments and judgments, all these impressions, some persistent, some fleeting, follow one another in endless passage through the consciousness.
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    Can moral case deliberation in research groups help to navigate research integrity dilemmas? A pilot study.Tamarinde L. Haven, Bert Molewijk, Lex Bouter, Guy Widdershoven, Fenneke Blom & Joeri Tijdink - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (2):219-238.
    There is an increased focus on fostering integrity in research by through creating an open culture where research integrity dilemmas can be discussed. We describe a pilot intervention study that used Moral Case Deliberation (MCD), a method that originated in clinical ethics support, to discuss research integrity dilemmas with researchers. Our research question was: can moral case deliberation in research groups help to navigate research integrity dilemmas? We performed 10 MCDs with 19 researchers who worked in three different research groups (...)
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    Did Voltaire Meet with J.-J. Rousseau?George R. Havens - 1978 - Diderot Studies 19:85 - 92.
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    Developmentally-based insights for science teaching.J. A. Rowell - 1993 - Science & Education 2 (2):111-136.
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    Extrapolated lifelines.T. E. Rowell - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):903-903.
    Extending lifelines still further, beyond determinism leads to doubt about females' ability to select mates with “good genes,” and to a scenario for troop selection and to a link with questions of scale in ecology.
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    Hygini Fabulae.Henry T. Rowell & H. I. Rose - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (4):453.
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    Time and time again.Edith Maud Rowell - 1941 - London,: G. Allen & Unwin.
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  15. The Russian Avant-Garde Book, 1910-1934.Margit Rowell, Deborah Wye & N. Museum of Modern Art York - 2002
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    Piagetian epistemology: Equilibration and the teaching of science.Jack A. Rowell - 1989 - Synthese 80 (1):141 - 162.
    That Piagetian epistemology has the dynamics of knowledge growth as its core consideration predetermines a need to consider it as potentially applicable to teaching. This paper addresses that need by first outlining the Piagetian theory of equilibration and then applying it to the construction of methods of teaching science.
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    Memory as Accompaniment.E. M. Rowell - 1946 - Philosophy 21 (80):258 - 262.
    Our memories are private and particular; when you and I share an experience our experience is yet in the very moment of sharing different for you and for me, and our two memories of an event in the past are still more disparate. For memories are shaped and constrained by the deep-lying organic stress of what we have lived through, of our actual living, in the interval between then and now. A memory follows the solitary track of our individual experience, (...)
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  18.  36
    Feminist Approaches to Bioethics: Theoretical Reflections and Practical Applications.M. Rowell - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (3):213-213.
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    The Roman Novel: The 'Satyricon' of Petronius and the 'Metamorphoses' of Apuleius.Henry T. Rowell & P. G. Walsh - 1971 - American Journal of Philology 92 (4):701.
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  20. A Man and his Solitariness.E. M. Rowell - 1943 - Hibbert Journal 42:323.
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    El tiempo en las filosofías románticas de la música.Lewis Rowell - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (54):125-168.
    Time in romantic philosophies of music.- Romanticism, as an intellectual movement, presupposes a new vision, one which we are still living off. This paper makes a critique of time in the music of the period, and in musical thought of the period (taking for granted that the music and the thought are eseentially related). In this context, the question is raised, what conception of time is to be found in the philosophers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? This leads on (...)
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    Karawitan: Source Readings in Javanese Gamelan and Vocal Music, Vol. 3.Lewis Rowell, Judith Becker & Alan H. Feinstein - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):211.
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    Philosophy leads to pessimism, research to understanding.Hugh Fraser Rowell - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):561-561.
  24. Time and Time Again.E. M. Rowell - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (64):438-438.
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    Essays on the philosophy of music.Veikko Rantala, Lewis Eugene Rowell & Eero Tarasti (eds.) - 1988 - Helsinki: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa.
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    Present at the Creation: Documenting the Arts of IndiaKalātattvakośa: A Lexicon of Fundamental Concepts of the Indian ArtsKalatattvakosa: A Lexicon of Fundamental Concepts of the Indian Arts.Lewis Rowell, Bettina Bäumer & Bettina Baumer - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):110.
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    Resurrecting Lorenz's hydraulic model: Phlogiston explained by quantum mechanics.C. H. F. Rowell - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (3):397-398.
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    Time and Process: Interdisciplinary Issues.Lewis Eugene Rowell & J. T. Fraser - 1993 - International Universities PressInc.
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  29. Yes, Kierkegaard still matters.Edmon L. Rowell Jr - 2010 - In Robert L. Perkins, Marc Alan Jolley & Edmon L. Rowell (eds.), Why Kierkegaard matters: a festschrift in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press.
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    The contribution of game theory to animal behavior.George W. Barlow & Thelma E. Rowell - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):101.
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    The dream of consensus: Finding common ground in a bioethical context.Tom Koch & Mary Rowell - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (3):261-273.
    Consensus is the holy grail of bioethics, the lynch pin of the assumption that well informed, well intentioned people may reach generally acceptable positions on ethically contentious issues. It has been especially important in bioethics, where advancing technology has assured an increasing field of complex medical dilemmas. This paper results on the use of a multicriterion decision making system (MCDM) analyzing group process in an attempt to better define hospital policy. In a pilot program at The Hospital for Sick Children, (...)
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  32. Stasis in music.Lewis Rowell - 1987 - Semiotica 66:181-195.
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  33. The Idea of Music in India and the Ancient West.Lewis Rowell - 1988 - In Veikko Rantala, Lewis Eugene Rowell & Eero Tarasti (eds.), Essays on the philosophy of music. Helsinki: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa. pp. 322--39.
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    The Satyricon of Petronius. A Literary Study.Henry T. Rowell & J. P. Sullivan - 1971 - American Journal of Philology 92 (1):92.
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    Potential Functions and the Characterization of Economics-Based Information.Emmanuel Haven - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (10):1394-1406.
    The formulation of quantum mechanics as a diffusion process by Nelson provides for an interesting approach on how we may transit from classical mechanics into quantum mechanics. Besides the presence of the real potential function, another type of potential function forms an intrinsic part of this theory. In this paper we attempt to show how both types of potential functions can have a use in a resolutely macroscopic context like financial asset pricing. We are particularly interested in uncovering how the (...)
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    Thinking about music: an introduction to the philosophy of music.Lewis Eugene Rowell - 1983 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    Examines the nature of music and traces the history of music philosophy from ancient Greece to the twentieth century.
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    IX. Nishi and Modern Japan.Thomas R. H. Havens - 1970 - In Nishi Amane and modern Japanese thought. Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press. pp. 217-222.
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    Thinking Through Dance: The Philosophy of Dance Performance and Practices.Jenny Bunker, Anna Pakes & Bonnie Rowell - 2013 - Dance Books.
    'Thinking Through Dance' explores important philosophical questions raised in and by dance. Its themes include the embodiment and personhood of dancers; issues of dance work ontology and performance identity; how dance is perceived and understood; the relevance of philosophy to dance as an artform; and whether dance itself, or its associated practices, are themselves philosophical in any significant sense. Individual essays draw on different philosophical traditions, including analytic, phenomenological and poststructuralist, and the primary focus is on theatre dance in the (...)
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    Karawitan: Source Readings in Javanese Gamelan and Vocal Music, Vol. 2.Lewis Rowell, Judith Becker & Alan H. Feinstein - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):642.
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    Nartananirṇaya of Paṇḍarīka Viṭṭhala, Vol. 1Nartananirnaya of Pandarika Vitthala, Vol. 1.Lewis Rowell & R. Sathyanarayana - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):607.
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    Puṣpasūtra: Prapāṭhakas 1 and 2Puspasutra: Prapathakas 1 and 2.Lewis Rowell & B. R. Sharma - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):386.
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    Semiosis in Hindustani Music.Lewis Rowell, José Luiz Martinez & Jose Luiz Martinez - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):193.
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    Shastric Traditions in Indian Arts.Lewis Rowell & Anna Libera Dallapiccola - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):469.
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    Researchers’ Perceptions of a Responsible Research Climate: A Multi Focus Group Study.Tamarinde Haven, H. Roeline Pasman, Guy Widdershoven, Lex Bouter & Joeri Tijdink - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (6):3017-3036.
    The research climate plays a key role in fostering integrity in research. However, little is known about what constitutes a responsible research climate. We investigated academic researchers’ perceptions on this through focus group interviews. We recruited researchers from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Amsterdam University Medical Center to participate in focus group discussions that consisted of researchers from similar academic ranks and disciplinary fields. We asked participants to reflect on the characteristics of a responsible research climate, the barriers they (...)
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  45. Risk Analysis of Natural Hazards.Paolo Gardoni, Colleen Murphy & Arden Rowell (eds.) - 2016 - Springer.
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    Regelation experiments with wires.K. R. Nunn & D. M. Rowell - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (144):1281-1283.
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    Normalized Cortisol Reactivity Predicts Future Neuropsychological Functioning in Children With Mild/Moderate Asthma.Sarah M. Dinces, Lauren N. Rowell, Jennifer Benson, Sarah N. Hile, Akaysha C. Tang & Robert D. Annett - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Music and Musical Thought in Early India.James R. Kippen, Lewis Rowell, Philip V. Bohlman & Bruno Nettl - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2):313.
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    Two Essays on Biblical and on Ecclesiastical Miracles.John Henry Cardinal Newman & Geoffrey Rowell - 2010 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    The essays in this volume were written when John Henry Newman was a Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. He wrote the first, on biblical miracles "The Miracles of Scripture," in 1825-26, as a relatively young man; the other, "The Miracles of Early Ecclesiastical History," was written in 1842-43. A comparison of the two essays displays a shift in Newman's theological stances. In the earlier essay, Newman argues in accordance with the theology of evidence of his time, maintaining that the age (...)
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    Explanations of Research Misconduct, and How They Hang Together.Tamarinde Haven & René van Woudenberg - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (4):543-561.
    In this paper, we explore different possible explanations for research misconduct (especially falsification and fabrication), and investigate whether they are compatible. We suggest that to explain research misconduct, we should pay attention to three factors: (1) the beliefs and desires of the misconductor, (2) contextual affordances, (3) and unconscious biases or influences. We draw on the three different narratives (individual, institutional, system of science) of research misconduct as proposed by Sovacool to review six different explanations. Four theories start from the (...)
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